Saturday , December 21 2024

How to Make Your Phone Number Appear as Private Number

Make Your Phone Number Private – Today am going to teach you about how to make your mobile or phone number appear as a private number when you call others. You can see that many times you will get a call from a private number which means that someone has made their mobile number as private. But it is not the call from the exactly private number. So if you want to try on your mobile number then you can follow the steps mentioned below.

You can see different mentos to make your mobile number private on your device. Coose any of the methods and then try to call anyone from your caller list.

How to Make Your Phone Number Appear as Private Number

Different mobile phones as different block codes to make your mobile private. So if you are one among them then try to know the block code of your mobile number.


*67 – United States (except AT&T), Canada (landline), New Zealand (Vodafone phones)

#31# – United States (AT&T phones), Australia (mobile), Albania, Argentina (mobile), Bulgaria (mobile), Denmark, Canada (mobile), France, Germany (some mobile providers), Greece (mobile), India (only after network unlock), Israel (mobile), Italy (mobile), Netherlands (KPN phones), South Africa (mobile), Spain (mobile), Sweden, Switzerland (mobile)

*31# – Argentina (landline), Germany, Switzerland (landline)

1831 – Australia (landline)

3651 – France (landline)

*31* – Greece (landline), Iceland, Netherlands (most carriers), Romania, South Africa (Telkom phones)

133 – Hong Kong

*43 – Israel (landline)

*67# – Italy (landline)

184 – Japan

0197 – New Zealand (Telecom or Spark phones)

1167 – Rotary phones in North America

*9# – Nepal (NTC prepaid/postpaid phones only)

*32# – Pakistan (PTCL phones)

*23 or *23# – South Korea

067 – Spain (landline)

141 – The United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland

If your mobile number is on GSM network (e.g., most Androids), you can always dial #31# to block your caller ID.

Now open Phone App and ten enter the block code and then enter the mobile number which you want to make a call from your device.

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