How to use WhatsApp Secret Chatting Feature

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WhatsApp Secret Chatting Feature – As you know WhatsApp is the most used messaging platform right now. WhatsApp has billions of actives daily as they Chat, Make Calls Audio and Video, Send Files, Pictures, Videos, Share Location, Share Contacts, and they one or the other thing in the WhatsApp Application. Shockingly, many users do not know all the features available on WhatsApp Application. One among them is, you can also have a secret chatting in the WhatsApp Application. If you want to know How Secret Chatting is done on WhatsApp then you need follow the complete article. Whatsapp Secret Chatting | Whatsapp Tricks | Whatsapp Chat | Whatsapp Chatting

Use WhatsApp Secret Chatting Feature

Secret Chatting is the special feature on the WhatsApp Application which every user can enable on their device. If you have a personal chat then you can hide then using this feature. So hide your personal chat, you need to use the feature available to you on your WhatsApp Application.

So the special feature is named as Archive which helps you to hide the chat on WhatsApp Application. If you are using an Android device, then open the WhatsApp application and then long press on the contact chat which you want to hide. As you press on the contact, you can see Archive Symbol like Down Arrow. As you Tap on the Archive symbol, your contact will be hidden in the WhatsApp Application.

Now to UnArchive, you need to scroll down in the WhatsApp Chats tab till the end. At the end, you can see all the Archived Chats under one category. Click on it, you can see all the contacts you have Archived on WhatsApp Application.

Not only on Android device, you can hide your WhatsApp Chats on any device of your wish. So if you have a personal chat, then use this feature and then hide the chat on WhatsApp Application.

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